Saturday, January 12, 2013

SEPIA SATURDAY 159 12 January 2013

Sepia Saturday #159 is all about bathing suits, water or just warmth in the sun. I could use some warmth right now. I have to admit it is not as cold as it could be hear in northern Minnesota at this time of the year.

Take a peek at other Sepia Saturday postings sharing their postings for this weeks topic of water or swim suits. This is three vintage black and white photos of a families outing on a summer day.

Thanks for stopping by Grace


  1. What great pictures, it looks like a wonderful day on the lake.

  2. What lovely pictures of a happy and innocent time. You could almost feel the cool of the water lapping against the boat.

  3. There is such wonderful detail in these photographs - you can go for a tour within them, finding new interests all the time.

  4. These are very nice pictures!

    I would like to be there right now. It was -12* here this morning.

    Kathy M.

  5. Looks like a tranquil and happy time.

  6. Three pictures that make you want to be out there with them especially as we are expecting snow and a cold snap over the next week or so.

  7. These are wonderful photos. But about the weather - it's stupidly HOT here in January. We need some cold, some snow to kill off the mosquitoes that will no doubt kill us in the summer.

  8. As Alan said, there is a lot of detail in these pictures, including an angler.

  9. In a couple of days, it will be very cold all over Minnesota.
